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2023 Holiday Party

Our annual holiday celebration includes a Pot Luck, White Elephant Exchange, and Dancing!

Bring your favorite main dish, side dish, dessert, or snack-y things to share!

What is a White Elephant Exchange?

A “white elephant” is that old, odd, interesting, humorous, inexpensive item that has been hanging around your house. It’s something someone gave you and you wish they hadn’t: something you stumbled upon at a garage sale this summer: etc.

Wrap it. Bring it. Kris will read the “Left-Right” story, and our white elephants will leave our hands, move around the room (to the left then the right, etc.) and eventually, land in the hands of someone else!

It’s a fun, inexpensive way for Club member’s to exchange holiday cheer - and to get those “white elephants” out of their house.

Guest’s are welcome to come see what we are all about.

December 3

Night Club 2-Step Week 3

December 31

2023 New Year's Eve Celebration